What's a Mammal?

  1. a warm-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that is distinguished by the possession of hair or fur, the secretion of milk by females for the nourishment of the young, and (typically) the birth of live young.

The other day I was in a library with another friend of mine.

This girl our age comes up to her, asking, "do mammals lay eggs?"

My friend just sort of looks at her blankly, then carefully says, "No...they are warm-blooded. Platypuses are the only known animal for laying eggs." 

She responds with, "No. Aren't crocodiles mammals"?

This time I respond with, "Crocodiles are reptiles."

Now this girl looks just plain confused.

Then she goes to my friend and says, "Does this animal lay eggs?" She whispers it in her ear.

My friend just looks taken aback and says, "No."

She replies with, "Ok then!" and disappears to wherever she was sitting in the library. 

"What did she ask you?" I ask my friend curiously.

Slowly, my friend opens up her laptop and types out five words:

Does a kitten lay eggs?

I hope kittens don't lay eggs. 


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