Mr. Wilt Catastrophes - Part 1

Hi. I'm back again.

Did I mention that I'm just sort of sitting around, sort of bored? I probably did.

At the moment, I don't feel like doing much.

So I guess I'll just rant about something.

Let's see....what should I rant about? There's politics, Trump, cafeteria food, ripped jeans....

Ok, let's start off with My biology teacher.

For his sake, let's just name him...Mr. Wilt

Mr. Wilt is my biology teacher (you probably guessed that right). He's a pretty old dude, with white hair and aged wrinkles. Maybe in his earlyish fifties? I guess the best way to describe him is portly. 

Seemed ok to me at first. Whatever, just another old teacher. Will probably retire next year or something.


I'd highly misjudged him.

Turns out, Mr. Wilt is the kind of guy who really should be a community college professor, not a high school teacher. The first thing he told us to do was to slap a cover on our two-ton textbook and bring it to class every day, starting the next day, no matter WHAT. If we didn't, then you'd already lost a few points. I was suddenly very jealous of my friends. All their bio teachers did much cooler things than this old guy. In fact, one of my friends said that their teacher Mr. So-and-so started a fire. A FIRE! How cool can you get?

I was devastated. What kind of teacher was he, telling us to bring our textbooks? Now, reader, I get that you might complain "Oh but I carried all five of my textbooks every single day so you really just got off easy"...

No. It's not easy. Especially considering I'm a weak little Indian kid who bikes home a mile every day.

Well, reader, I got some good news. After a week of hauling my stupid textbook around, I confronted Mr. Wilt. I found a textbook online and asked if I can just use that for the rest of the year. And guess what this guy said?

"Oh yeah, sure that's fine, I just want you to have a version of your textbook with you. In fact, I'll have my class set of textbooks by tomorrow so you can leave your textbook at home."

And yet the other day, he said we had to bring our covered textbooks. ONLY our covered textbook.

I was both happy and infuriated.

But trust me, the whole textbook issue was only the beginning of my bio problems.

After two weeks into school, he had us do a chapter 1 test. Yes, it's a bit early to do that. In fact, some of my friends only started on their syllabus at the time.

The test wasn't fun.

It consisted of forty multiple choice questions, which was going to be checked using a Scantron. Now you may be thinking, "Aw, it's just multiple choice. You probably did fine."

Well, here's the thing. He didn't assign us any review questions or homework to prepare us for the test or anything. In fact, all he did was write on the board "Read and Study Chapter 1 each day". And he never checked if we did notes or anything, either. I'd probably be ok with that if I was a junior or senior or if they did that in college, but we're talking a bunch of absent-minded freshmen who are still trying to locate the bathroom. In fact, I looked at the first problem veeeery carefully, and thought, "yep. I'm screwed"

Luckily, I was smart and studied the few notes I had before the test. Where did I get my notes from? Well, remember how he wrote, "Read and Study Chapter 1 each day"? Well, I thought he was actually going to check if we did our homework, so I wrote notes every day.

Well, haha I guess April fools came early to me.

Miraculously, I was able to score an A- on the test. That's probably the biggest accomplishment I'll ever make in my high school life.

But not all my friends were so lucky.

There are so many more incidents that Mr. Wilt created. But if I name all of them, this website's gonna have to get its name changed to "".

So I'll stop here.

Reader, please share with me: Do you have a Mr. Wilt of your own? (or maybe a Ms. Wilt?) Please do tell me what your experiences were like with your teachers, and I'll gladly reply back.

Also, don't forget to subscribe!

(P.S. I may be back to write tonight if I have time. Stay tuned!)


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