Mr. Wilt Catastrophes - Part Two

Hey Reader.

If you were wondering where I disappeared off to, then no, I wasn't abducted by aliens or eaten by a whale or anything.

Instead, it was something much, much worse.

Get ready for Mr. Wilt, Part 2 (See my third post for reference)

This past week, I've been studying for an enormous test he hinted about all throughout the week. I was already at a borderline A because of his stupid pop quiz, and now I was anxious. Turns out, I wasn't the only one. Everyone was freaking out and exchanging notes and stuff.

Today was the day of the test.

Last night I forced myself to stay awake till 12, just studying. Now, I know some of you readers may be like, "12? That's nothing! I once stayed up until {Enter any time after 12:00 a.m.}!" Well, kudos to you, and please teach me how you do that, but I HAVE to have my sleep. It's really hard for me otherwise to concentrate at school or homework, and what ends up happening is that I procrastinate due to the lack of energy throughout the day, and end up staying up while the stars are up, ferociously trying to cram in YouTube and English vocab at once. (and I guarantee you, it's impossible).

Now, back to biology. Today I wake up and I'm like, "ok, let's get this stupid thing over with." I have bio last period, and so that gave me plenty of time to study. Unfortunately, I also had a newspaper meeting at lunchtime, my essential study time, so that cut off a few minutes in preparing for the test. But all-in-all, I was pretty confident.

That didn't stop me from praying.

Honestly, I'm not even that religious. My family and I go to the temple, what, once or twice a year? And it's usually to show people new to California around. But I swear, ever since high school started, I've practically been following every religion. Like every day before a test, I'm praying to Shiva and Vishnu and Bhrama, but for extra insurance, I pray to Jesus and mutter the name of "Allah" under my breath. Anything to help me pass the test.

Last period of the day.

I walk in, and the immediate news that reaches my ears is that the test is 80 problems. 80. Fricking. Problems. Who even does that?? Apparently, not many students from other periods finished, and they just had to turn it in incomplete. Still, I tried my best to keep a cool head, and told myself, "It's ok, you're fine, you studied."

The test begins.

It was a scantron test, and sure enough, it was 80 problems, all multiple choice (like all his tests). I start the test. The first two or three pages were fairly easy, and now I'm thinking, "Oh, ok I know this, I got this."

And I swear to god, those words were immediately cursed under my thoughts.

Image result for when you study for a test and fail meme

The problems started getting more random. After a while, they weren't even part of the textbook. There were some questions that I'd never seen before, and some were just plain trolls. What are troll problems, you ask? Well, I refer to them as those problems that have two or more solutions. For instance, the was a question like, "name, one thing that is true about ecosystems". I read over it, and A, B, and C are all true. So now it's just like, "pshhh, it's definitely D then." But NOPE D is also true. Now I'm pissed, 'cause I need to choose a random one and hope for the best.

I finished the test, by the way.

And guess what I got for staying up so late, profusely studying?


I swear it was because of all the troll problems.

The U.S. educational system's very weird. It's not right to force kids to memorize random things in a textbook and then force them to regurgitate it just to pass the class. Sure, it worked out great for Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, but what about the rest of us Muggles? It's stupid. I had this one history teacher last year who only gave us individual or group projects to work on - and no tests whatsoever. And guess what? I learned more in her class than in any other. I think all teachers should try it. Comment below if you agree, and write your own opinion!

Anyways, maybe it's a good thing I got a B -. Now I'm desperate to get my grades back up, 'cause now my average bio grade's an 88. This is depressing for me, and only me - please don't go complaining about how you have a much worse grade, 'cause that's your personal feelings, and honestly, I don't give a furry unicorn butt about it.

Either way, one thing for sure. Biology tests will be the death of me.


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