Braces - How to deal with the Devil Stuck on your Teeth

Sorry for replying later than usual.

And no, it was NOT because I was doing my homework. I'm still a procrastinator, don't worry. It was because of my dentist appointment.

I didn't mention I wore braces, now, did I? I got mines during the beginning of sixth grade. For all my orthodontic brothers and sisters, let's all bear the pain together.

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For the people who just happened to be born with perfect, heavenly teeth...I have some choice words specially chosen for you, but I'm smart enough not to spurt it out on the internet.

As for those of you who are going to soon get their braces, I'll first give you the short version of the entire process: long and painful, but probably worth it in the end.

Ok, now for the long version.

One of the biggest myths is that it hurts when you get your braces on you. I was especially afraid of this. And since I'm also someone who uses the internet to solve all her problems, I spent an hour doing research on just one google question:"Do braces hurt when you get them?" A lot of people just replied with "not at first, but the pressure slowly builds up. Get some froyo afterward! :)" Not exactly the most helpful answer. So let me just tell all the worrywarts who are getting braces the real deal.

So, you're seated in a dentist chair and you just sit around doing nothing. If you're lucky, there's a TV or magazines you can flip through or something, because depending on your dentist, they can take a really long time preparing to have you tortured for the next few years. So I advise you to bring a book or a phone or something with you.

When the dentist is done wiping up the blood in the room next to you (I'm joking, I'm joking), he or she will take a look at your teeth. By now, you already have your teeth mold - it's basically a process where they shove up this gooey substance up your mouth twice, one for the top row and another for the bottom (don't worry, it's not painful - it just feels weird). After this, I think they cleaned your teeth, and then they would take out a plastic thingie shaped like a mouth that looks like a child's torture device - however, it isn't painful at all - all they do is shove it into your mouth so that way your gums spreads apart and your tongue won't rebel against the whole braces process. You'll look sort of stupid while wearing it, but that's fine - it's only for a few hours! :)

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After that, you sort of don't know what happens. The stupid mouth opener thingie pretty much separate you from your mouth. Nothing hurts and nothing's numb, you just have no idea what the dentist is doing. It's not exactly a bad thing - I remember that while they were putting on my braces, I just made predictions on what they were doing. "Oh, now they must be putting on the brackets. Oh, and now they're tightening something." Stuff like that. It's not painful or anything, and I PROMISE you - there is not a needle or a syringe in sight! You'll be fine. In fact, you may become bored after a while.

After an hour or two of this boredom, your dentist will finally, FINALLY take off the crappy mouth opener thingie. Then, I believe they put in the wiring for your braces and stuff. And though it's believed that braces are for nerds, IT'S NOT TRUE!!! Everyone wears braces, and you should be proud of yours.

Now, let me warn you: the process of putting on the braces may not hurt, but the next few years with these mini metal torture devices aren't gonna go easy on you. In fact, an hour or two after you get your braces, the crappy things start to hurt like CRAZY. Unless you've felt that sort of pain before, you will not be able to last. It hurts really bad, but more in an annoying way. Oh, also it's really hard to eat for the first week with your braces on. Since your teeth aren't used to the pressure brought by the wiring, it will feel like hell knocked at your mouth and asked you, "Mind if I join in?" Eventually, you WILL get used to it, and keep fighting it till then. Make sure you only eat soft foods - what better reason to pig out on ice cream all day? :)

Now, every few weeks you will go meet the devil - ahem, dentist again. This is to ensure that the wiring in your mouth is straightened. It may hurt, but you'll get used to it over time. It's ok - just remember you'll make it in the end! And don't forget the beautiful teeth you'll get to flash around in the end as your reward!

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Good luck on the rest of your day, reader, and I hope you comment below and subscribe!


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