Homework Homework Homework

Aaand it's Tuesday.


Just three more days of school till the weekend.


Is anyone else out there drowning in homework like I am? I legit have homework from every major subject: English, math, history, and biology. Not to mention health homework 'cause we didn't have P.E. today. I have two tests on Thursday, and I won't be surprised if I have another on Friday. My group and I have to make a five minute practiced script by Thursday for history with our group of eight.

Long story short: a normal Tuesday for every high schooler.


Technically speaking, I should be doing my homework right about now, but whatever - procrastination is the key to life. Everyone procrastinates. And if you don't, then you're lying to yourself. My head's just like, "why should you NOT waste precious time to study while you can? Just cram it all in when the clock strikes twelve, you'll be fine.

Oh, and speaking of twelve o' clock, is anyone else super tired? I sure know I am. I woke up this morning, shutting off my alarm at 6:05 a.m., thinking "oh I can sleep for five more minutes. It's FINE." And then the next second my mother is turning on the light telling me it's almost seven and that I'll be late.

Conclusion: Every morning of my entire existence.

Oh, how I miss middle school! Where the teachers gave you simple handouts and coloring worksheets. Oh, how I miss the amazing cookies they made there! The only thing I can say I don't miss is probably P.E.

Does anyone else's school make them run a mile? If not, then go outside and try it right now. I'm sure there's like a built in pedometer on your phone, so you don't have to worry about the distance. But I can assure you this much:

It WILL be tiring.

You WILL feel like dying.

There is NO escape out of it (that is, if you or your school forces you to run)

It's quite exhausting, really, and I really don't think schools should waste their time on it. I remember I had this one teacher who actually ran with us during the mile, and it was AWESOME. That was legit the only time I enjoyed running. All the REST of our P.E. teachers just sort of stood around with a timer lodged around their next, yelling out random times as people passed them.

Like I said, go try running a mile yourself if you haven't already.

Now, I have a lot of homework so it wouldn't make sense if I kept typing without an end. Besides, if you're a student out there, then you really shouldn't be reading this at all (jk keep reading), 'cause that counts as procrastinating. (jk jk jk keep reading all my posts I love all my readers)

So I guess I'm signing out, until furthermore news.

(Oh yeah, and don't forget to comment! Every word counts! :) )

Goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)


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